- basin for shipping港水域;
- cannot stand someone无法忍受某人
- stand up to对抗,勇敢地面对;抵抗;顶住;
- stand trial在受审;
- stand to lose一定失利;
- STAND TO准备行动;不放弃…, 坚持…;
- stand the testv.经受住考验;
- stand the pace站着步伐
- stand still站着不动,停滞不前;
- stand someone's ground站在某人的地上
- Stand someone upvt.放某人鸽子;
- stand someone in good stead(将来)对某人有好处,对某人有用处;
- stand overv.延期,监督,<澳口>恐吓;
- stand out突出;坚持;超群;向前跨步;
- stand on ceremony讲究客套, 客气;拘于礼节;拘礼;
- stand onv.继续同一方向的航行;
- stand in the wayvi.碍事,挡道;阻挠;
- stand for something代表某件事
- stand for代表;为…而奋斗;拥护;<口>容忍;
- stand fastv.不后退,不让步;坚守;
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